Monday, September 24, 2012

Random Acts of Kindness

While thinking of how to run a contest for teachers on Adopt A Classroom, we came up with the idea of asking the following question:

If we gave you $500 to perform a random act of kindness, what would it be? Be fun! Be creative! Be inspirational!

During the contest we happened to search #randomactofkindness on Twitter.  One of the tweets we read referred to this amazing act of kindness:

We received so many great ideas for random acts of kindness during the contest, and that got us thinking.  So now we're on a mission to make October Random Acts of Kindness Month and we're looking to recruit as many people as we can!

As a personal random act of kindness, this is what I'll be doing.  I work in New York City and my plan is to give $500 to the first person (stranger) who greets me on the street (with a simple hello or good morning).  I will tell that person to keep what they like (need) and then consider passing the rest on in the same way.  I'm really curious to see how far this goes.

So listen up New Yorkers!  Consider saying hello to a random stranger.  You never know what may come your way :-)



  1. I love this idea. It makes me feel good just thinking about what you are planning on doing. I love Dana's idea of bringing her kids into this movement. The wheels are turning.

  2. Looking forward to seeing what you and Dana come up with!

  3. Have you been greeted by any random strangers yet? I'm on the edge of my seat. How does the story end?

  4. Not yet, but the story only starts tomorrow...October 1st :-)
