Saturday, October 19, 2013


This week I continued my journey of giving, but it was just a short week with only two more states visited.  Despite it being such a short week, I think that I am now starting to learn more about what this journey of giving really means to me and how it is changing the way I think about what I am doing.  First I'll tell you about MI (followed by IN), and you will see a common theme that was very evident this week (something I'm starting to hear more about lately, across various organizations).  I will then talk about this common theme in a bit more depth (I'll start explaining it in this MI post and finish it in my IN post) and what it has started me thinking about for the future.

On Monday I had the sincere pleasure of visiting the Communities In Schools of Kalamazoo (CIS) in Kalamazoo, MI.  I don't think I could do a better job of explaining what CIS does than what they have on their site, so let me start with that:
Communities In Schools of Kalamazoo (CIS) brings together the support of hundreds of volunteers and local organizations to meet student needs at school--before, during, or after class--so that outside problems interfere less with learning and plans to stay in school and graduate on time.

CIS works within the Kalamazoo Public Schools system, determining school and student needs and establishing relationships with local businesses, social service agencies, health care providers, and parent and volunteer organizations to provide needed resources to students.  Whether it's tutoring in math, a pair of eyeglasses, a new pair of socks, a backpack full of food for the weekend, or a safe place to hang out after school, when these needs are met, students can concentrate on learning.
One of the after school programs CIS coordinates is called Kids in Tune (KIT), and I was able to visit their KIT program being run at a local school.  KIT is "a partnership between Kalamazoo Public Schools, Communities In Schools, and the Kalamazoo Symphony Orchestra" and I was able to provide some needed supplies for this program: five cello and five violin bows (these are one of the items that frequently need repair or replacement); 10 Suzuki cello and 10 Suzuki violin CDs (every student who learns to play “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” on their cello or violin has a special graduation ceremony and receives their own copy of the CD to take home and listen to); and 37 song flutes (used by the 1st grade students as they learn the musical basics prior to starting on the traditional orchestral instruments).

Let me briefly explain why I did not stop smiling during my entire visit.  I was first taken to one of their special graduation ceremonies where a 3rd grade girl, who only picked up a cello in June, was about to play an advanced version of “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” in order to graduate to the next level.  And to top it all off, she was playing in front of an audience with a guest from NJ (talk about added pressure!).  Well she did a fantastic job and put on an amazing performance.  At the end of her performance, when her instructor notified her that she had graduated, I was given the honor of presenting her with a Suzuki cello CD :-)

My next stop was to a class learning the violin, also made up of very young children.  I arrived towards the end of their lesson where I was then treated to a very special performance.  I cannot begin to explain how impressed I was at not only the way they played, but also how well they were being taught too.  It was clearly evident on their little faces how much they were enjoying the experience.

I have actually jumped ahead a bit, so let me take a step back while at the same time summarizing my thoughts about this day.  Before going to the school, I spent some time talking to the amazing people who work at and run CIS at their office.  What they do (as I quoted above), and the model that they have employed to do this is something that really resonated with me.  It is such a simple but powerful concept - bring what the students need right to them by partnering with the right groups and people.  And it's so much more than just music of course (but I'm super happy music is a part of it!).  I asked CIS about some of the positive benefits they have seen as a result of this model.  One thing they have found is that attendance at school is up with students being much more interested and engaged in school, which of course makes perfect sense.  But let me talk about something else.  Earlier I mentioned a common theme for this week.  I found the following talking about KIT:
It is a powerful change that overflows into the children’s home environment.  As one mother tells us, “My daughter may be learning music but she’s also learning so much more.  Like how to express her feelings better.  I’ve noticed that, because of Kids in Tune, we communicate better as a family.”
I think there are enough articles out there extolling the benefits of a strong family, and strong family participation in education, that has a direct correlation with student success and graduation rates.  To me, this is the real strength of this truly wonderful program and the people who run it.  Not only are they bringing positive change to the lives of these students, but they are also positively impacting their families.  This is something I will come back to in my IN post.

But I do want to mention one last thing.  I was told about The Kalamazoo Promise, and once I explain it I think it will perfectly tie all of this together.  In 2005 a group of anonymous donors pledged tens of millions of dollars to pay up to 100% of the tuition to a Michigan college or university for any Kalamazoo public high school graduate!  And therein lies the challenge for Kalamazoo - getting their students to graduate and be accepted for post-secondary education.  This is exactly why an organization like CIS is so valuable to the Kalamazoo community.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Ellie Henry put me in touch with the Metropolitan Youth Orchestra (MYO), and that was who I visited yesterday in Indianapolis, IN.
The Metropolitan Youth Orchestra (MYO) is a youth and family development program of the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra.  The program is designed to use the life skills learned in music instruction to engage youth in activities that discourage at-risk behaviors and keep them committed to staying in school.
You may recall from my post on RI that sometimes you simply cannot get a feel for what an organization really does by reading about them online.  The MYO is a perfect example of that reality.  I had the tremendous honor of being able to meet some of the people who make truly remarkable things happen in Indianapolis.  If you've read my post on MI already (and if you have not done so yet, this post is a continuation of what I started to write there), you know that I talked about a common theme across the organizations I visited in MI and IN.  The MYO portrays that theme perfectly.

I could write volumes about the breadth and depth of the MYO's reach with all of the things that they do.  But the overall concept is fairly simple - the MYO employs a holistic approach to ensuring that students and families are prepared to succeed.  However, let me emphatically state that while the concept may be simple, at its core lies some of the most astounding people I have ever met.  And this is very important for me to state - the success of what the MYO is able to do is in large part due to the talent, commitment, and dedication of this inspiring group of people.

I'll be honest with you - I came in to my meeting with the MYO with a completely different set of expectations of what this organization was all about.  I donated two violins to their program, and I simply thought that this was all about training students to become musicians.  Let me tell you that music education is almost an after thought for what the MYO does for the under served youth of Indianapolis.  And this is in fact a very good thing!

The MYO is really setting out to accomplish two goals.  First, it's all about engaging students to not only be better students in the academic sense, but also about showing them how to be better individuals (both personally and as contributing members of their communities).  But the MYO has realized that you cannot simply focus on the student.  In order for students to succeed, there must also be parental involvement and it was this aspect of what they do that truly impressed me.  I was fascinated to learn that many parents of the students in their program also end up learning to play an instrument.  This has a profound effect on these students and their family lives.  Now when the students are told to practice at home, they have their parents right there to provide the same level of encouragement and support.

The MYO understands that what they're doing is not to train the next generation of classical musicians, although this sometimes also does happen (I heard one story in particular that was simply incredible and inspiring).  They want their students to graduate and move on to post-secondary education, no matter what that happens to be in.  Music just happens to be, I am happy to say, the medium that they are employing to make this happen...and we all know that Music Makes Our Students Smarter ;-)

After my visit with the MYO that wrapped up this short week of travel, and in conjunction with my experience in MI, I really started to think about the similar things these organizations were doing and the impact they were having on their communities.  And that's when it really hit me.  I started my journey of giving with two very basic goals: to make it a point to visit every state in the United States; and to combine my quest for travel with my charitable ideals.  But now I am thinking about this very differently.  This is now becoming a true learning experience for me, which is a very welcome surprise.  Not only am I learning about the power of local community based organizations and how much they can accomplish, but I am also learning a great deal about myself too.  I am now starting to think about what I want to do next, after my journey of giving is over, and how I will incorporate this experience in to what I am thinking about doing.  But alas my dear readers, for that you will have to be patient and wait a bit longer before I reveal any more of what I am thinking about :-)